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License music from commercially released artists instantly.
License Tusabe

License Tusabe

The licensing price is based on your project terms

Project type

Advert? Indie film? Branded social content? Film festival? MAIA Universe can get your music licensed for any project.


UK, USA, Europe, Asia, Australia, where will your project be seen or heard?


How long do you need? 1 month, 6 months, 12 months, in perpetuity? It’s up to you.

No need for negotiation

We have pre-cleared the music for you. All that is left to do is to find the perfect song for your project.
License Robin Nazari

License Robin Nazari

License instantly or within 72 hours

The majority of our music catalogue is available to license instantly. A few gems can be licensed within 72 hours. This is an industry unique approval process developed by MAIA Universe.
License Gustav Karlström

License Gustav Karlström

Music licensed by