Licence music instantly from commercially released artists

for ads, TV, film, games, social content, events and more

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The licensing price is fully transparent for each song based on your project settings.
License Mishell Ivon

License Mishell Ivon

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Get tailored recommendation based on your project. Search using a reference track, scene description, or lyrics. Find playlists based on listener demographics, brand values, and much more.
License Nea Eini

License Nea Eini

How it works


Select your project licensing needs: media type, territory and term.


Find the perfect song via our smart search engine using music-matching, scene description, mood, lyrics, audience demographics, and much more.


Share songs with your team, choose the best fit and use the self-service checkout when ready.

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Get your music on MAIA Universe

Are you a rights holder or member of a sync team that wants to secure more syncs for your artists and songwriters?
For rights holders